Season 2

June 18, 2021

How to Survive Bad News

Our summer PR book review series wraps up with a must-have guide to crisis comms that you can get for free! Robert talks with Jeff Hahn about his book, Breaking Bad News – 12 Essential Crisis Communication Tools, a survival g...
June 4, 2021

The Ultimate PR Handbook Reviewed

If you had to read one book about public relations, what book would it be? Would you read a book about social media? Maybe one about research and planning? How about one on writing or marketing techniques? That sounds like a ...
May 21, 2021

How to Give a TV Interview

Who in PR Nation likes to give media interviews? Some of you probably love it. But we’re guessing an equal number are just fine not standing in front of a TV camera. And we can’t blame you. The interview process can be fright...
May 7, 2021

How Social Media Impacts Society

There’s been a lot going on in the world the last year. How has social media impacted the debate over policing, race, politics, and the pandemic? PR Nation’s favorite doctors, Ph.D’s that is, join Robert to discuss their new ...
April 30, 2021

Improve Your Internal Comms!

This week, we talk about internal communications, and why the audience you work with, the one right in front of you, is so important to your organization’s success. PR Nation contributor Pooja Kamat joins the crew from Mumbai...
April 23, 2021

Learning PR from Circus Clowns?

Do you worry that you might be missing something when you write a PR plan? Are your pitching skills current? Do you know the easiest way to get a PR effort started? So many questions, so little time. Luckily, Amy Rosenberg ha...
April 9, 2021

Is TikTok a PR Tool?

Most of us know TikTok as the social media platform for short-form videos used mostly by younger people. But is it just for Gen Z-ers who need to dance or is it more than that? Many well-known brands are using TikTok with imp...
April 6, 2021

AP Stylebook Showdown - Avni Gupta

The AP Stylebook Showdown is back! In this special episode of PR Nation, player Avni Gupta puts her AP style knowledge to the test. Host Robert Johnson is known for breaking out some tricky AP questions. Think you’re up to it...
March 26, 2021

How to Land Your First PR Agency Job

For university and college students about to graduate with degrees in public relations and communications, this can be a stressful time. From now until May, seniors across the PR Nation will be laser focused on finding a PR j...
March 19, 2021

How to Improve Your Zoom Pitches

It’s been a year since we first had to jump on Zoom for staff meetings, client updates, and other conversations, working through the technology, learning how to share documents, use the chat feature, and arrange our backgroun...
March 12, 2021

Hiring and Promoting Hispanic PR Pros

This week, another PR Nation young pro, Zane Landin, contributes his perspective on the topic of Hispanics in our industry. Is the PR business doing a good job of recruiting and promoting Hispanic practitioners? Zane examines...
March 5, 2021

NASA’s Mars PR Lessons

NASA’s Perseverance rover landed on Mars on February 18th. But even before that historic moment, audiences were engaging with the mission, signing up to send their name on a microchip to the red planet, taking pics with the l...
Feb. 26, 2021

How to Find a PR Mentor

Today, young PR pro and PR Nation contributor Michaela Lewin tackles two topics important to practitioners today – mentorships and diversity. In her second conversation for the podcast, Michaela discusses the importance of PR...
Feb. 19, 2021

Is Clubhouse a PR Tool?

Clubhouse is the new audio-only social media app causing quite a stir all over the internet. It’s been around for almost a year but only recently have most people discovered it. Clubhouse is an invitation-only platform where ...
Feb. 5, 2021

Virtual Event Tips

One of the biggest PR challenges during the pandemic has been event planning. Many events that worked in person are not translating well on Zoom. The result has been fewer registrations and less audience engagement. Recently,...
Jan. 29, 2021

Trump's PR Legacy

As chaotic as the last four years were under former President Trump, is there anything PR pros can learn from the experience? We ask longtime public affairs pro George Franklin what public relations people should take away, o...
Jan. 22, 2021

Using the F-Word in a PR Campaign

What does it take to get an audience to pay attention these days? Screaming? Shouting? Using the F-word? In normal times, the answer might be none of the above. But these are not normal times. And a campaign created by a grou...