How to Improve Your Zoom Pitches
It’s been a year since we first had to jump on Zoom for staff meetings, client updates, and other conversations, working through the technology, learning how to share documents, use the chat feature, and arrange our backgrounds.
The pandemic also has forced clients to conduct agency reviews online through the cold lens of the teleconference platform.We’ve all had to pitch our wares to people we’d like to meet but now can’t see because so many have their cameras turned off.
Even as we hope for an end to social distancing, it’s unclear whether all new business pitches will return to an in-person format which is why Robert asked Robert Udowitz of RFP Associates for some advice and tips developed just for this conversation.
Also, the crew previews President Biden’s first White House news conference, discusses the Alexi McCammond story, and considers the problem with comments captured while microphones are still listening.
Biden to hold first formal news conference on March 25
New Teen Vogue editor-in-chief Alexi McCammond resigns over past racist tweets about Asians