Jan. 22, 2021

Using the F-Word in a PR Campaign

What does it take to get an audience to pay attention these days? Screaming? Shouting? Using the F-word?

In normal times, the answer might be none of the above. But these are not normal times. And a campaign created by a group of PR students at Boston University is no normal campaign.

Why? Because the F-word is the first word in a tagline aimed at students who might otherwise blow off COVID-19 health and safety guidelines.

Robert caught up with B-U Master’s graduate Hailey McKee, a member of the team that came up with a vulgar anti-COVID campaign that is turning heads.

Also, the team weighs in on whether it’s a good idea to pitch stories on Inauguration Day, a suggestion that top Biden Administration officials should dump their Twitter accounts, and the new president’s PR performance in his first few days on the job.

When it comes to the answers to the questions, Sarah and Tim say it all depends!


PR News - An Inauguration Day Conundrum: to Pitch or Not to Pitch

Contributor: Paula Chirinos

Contributor: Zane Landin

Guest: Hailey McKee

F*CK IT Won’t Cut It Campaign Website

F*CK IT Won’t Cut It Podcast Page

PR Nation website

O’Dwyer’s PR Newsletter



July 24, 2020

PR Job Search Tips

The pandemic has left millions of Americans looking for a job. PR people are among them. If you’ve been furloughed, fired, or had your internship cancelled, recruiter Jamie McLaughlin, an expert in connecting companies with t...

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Feb. 26, 2021

How to Find a PR Mentor

Today, young PR pro and PR Nation contributor Michaela Lewin tackles two topics important to practitioners today – mentorships and diversity. In her second conversation for the podcast, Michaela discusses the importance of PR...

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Feb. 19, 2021

Is Clubhouse a PR Tool?

Clubhouse is the new audio-only social media app causing quite a stir all over the internet. It’s been around for almost a year but only recently have most people discovered it. Clubhouse is an invitation-only platform where ...

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